We want every young person to access modern, 21st century careers education, no matter what their background or circumstance.

We work with special schools across West Sussex, Brighton and Hove to help careers leaders design and deliver careers education programmes tailored to the needs of young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in mainstream schools and colleges.

How we support schools and colleges that support young people with SEND:

Our dedicated SEND Enterprise Coordinator continues to strengthen his network of inclusive employers and volunteers who are experienced at working with young people with SEND.

Can you help? Read on to find out...

What does 'inclusive' look like for an employer?

At an inclusive place of work, every employee feels valued and able to contribute to the organisation. Inclusion goes beyond supporting diverse groups and involves recognising and celebrating the differences that make each employee unique. This means that inclusion is relevant for all employees, regardless of their background or characteristics.

What are the benefits of employing a person who is neurodiverse?


Get the right person for the right job by welcoming candidates from a previously untapped talent pool.

Enhance your company reputation:

When you employ people with learning disabilities you promote workplace diversity and help your company boost their corporate social responsibility.

Financial benefits:

The Purple Pound is the spending power of people who have a disability in their household. It equates to £249bn per year.

I want to employ SEND students. Where do I start? Who can I talk to?

Our West Sussex, Brighton and Hove SEND Enterprise Coordinator, can talk you through the benefits of employing a neurodiverse workforce and how you can become a more inclusive employer.

What are Supported Internships and Supported Apprenticeships?

Supported Internships

Supported Internships help young people aged 16 to 24 with an Education, Health, and Care (EHC) plan to gain paid employment through support to:

Supported interns are in full-time education and their internships last for six months to one year. The internships are facilitated by an expert job coach and enable the young people to gain the skills they need for work by learning in the workplace.

Supported Apprenticeships

Supported Apprenticeships can work well for young people with a learning disability as they combine study with practical training on the job. A supported apprentice will typically work alongside experienced staff to gain job-specific skills. Please note that people with a learning disability and/or those with additional needs use the same apprenticeship frameworks and standards as all other apprentices. However, training organisations may be able to access extra funding for supported apprentices. There may also be greater flexibility with English and Maths requirements to help the young person complete their apprenticeship.

For more information about supported apprenticeships and funding, follow the link below to read MENCAP’s fact sheet.

Is there funding to help SEND students transition into work?

Access to Work is a government grant scheme that supports those with physical or mental health conditions or disabilities to get and/or stay in work. The support you get will depend on your needs.

Through Access to Work, you can apply for:

Need more information about diversity, inclusion and SEND?