What does Great Careers Education mean? How can we support every young person?
What does Great Careers Education mean? How can we support every young person?
These eight benchmarks define what world-class careers provision in education looks like and set out a clear framework for planning and achieving great careers education in a school or college. Developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman, these benchmarks are enshrined in statutory guidance and accepted as best practice by the Government. All Careers Leaders in schools and colleges are responsible for working to achieve these standards.
The Gatsby Benchmarks are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experience of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Are you looking for resources to support your school or college achieve the Gatsby Benchmarks?
The Careers and Enterprise Resource Directory is packed with information and guidance.
To find out more about the Gatsby Benchmarks please visit the following:
Careers provision in schools and colleges
The eight Gatsby Benchmarks provide a blueprint for schools and colleges to achieve ‘good careers education’.
Within each education setting, who are the key players who play a role in making that happen?

Governors and Trustees often have a wide network and a wealth of expertise about the world of work that they can share with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and Careers Leaders. They can support careers education at a strategic level to ensure their school or college has the resources to help every student make informed decisions about their future. The Careers and Enterprise Company statutory guidance recommends the appointment of a Careers Link Governor, with responsibility for careers provision. When Governors and Trustees are involved in careers education, working with the Careers Leader, Enterprise Adviser and Enterprise Coordinator, there is a coordinated and consistent approach to careers education – and students benefit.
When Senior Leadership Team (SLT) give full backing to careers education in a school or college, students see significant benefits. A whole school approach to careers enables students of all ages to access information and guidance about future pathways. SLT can also be pivotal in ensuring parental engagement in a careers programme.
Careers Leaders need sufficient time and resources allocated to their role to help them provide high quality careers education. If the Careers Leader is not on the SLT, a member of SLT should be given line management responsibility for careers. In schools and colleges where SLT fully support the Careers Leader, students benefit from a whole school approach to careers. The Careers and Enterprise Company offers online learning modules and fully funded training for Careers Leaders.
Enterprise Advisers are a crucial link to the world of work for schools and colleges. They volunteer their time to meet with the Careers Leader, SLT and Careers Link Governor to advise on the strategic development of careers education in the school or college. They bring to their role their experience of employment to ensure that the careers programme is firmly rooted in the real world of work.
At the West Sussex, Brighton and Hove Careers Hub we work to support these volunteers and educators. We provide the resources, training, and networking opportunities they need to deliver ‘good careers education’.
Sometimes the worlds of education and business talk past each other. But when they come together with co-ordination and purpose, young people benefit in extraordinary way. They gain vital skills and experiences, and deep insights into what comes next. There are wider benefits too. Schools and colleges get access to new thinking and partners for the careers’ programmes. Employers get a chance to support their future workforce.
Oli de Botton, Careers and Enterprise Company CEO
Post-16 & Post-18 pathways

An apprenticeship is a paid job where the employee both studies to earn a qualification and works to gain valuable work experience. Alongside on-the-job training,…

A T Level is a nationally recognised qualification for 16 to 19-year-olds that takes 2 years to complete. Equivalent in size to 3 A Levels,…

A traineeship is a skills development programme for 16- to 24-year-olds and includes an unpaid work placement which is designed to help you get ready…

Vocational Technical Qualifications (VTQs)
VTQs are practical qualifications for over 16s. They are designed to help you get the skills you need
to start your career or go on…

A Levels
A Levels are subject-based qualifications that are usually assessed by exams. They can lead to further study, training or work. You usually study A Levels…

Higher Education
Higher education is the name for qualifications and courses you can take after 18. It includes diplomas, foundation years, bachelor’s degrees and more. You can…

Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs)
HTQs are technical qualifications that are approved by employers. There are many different types of HTQs, and they are usually taught in the classroom at…

School Leaver Schemes
School leaver schemes are usually very similar to graduate schemes, except they’re aimed at school leavers. Some companies offer school leaver schemes to young people…

Supported Internships
A Supported Internship is an unpaid work-based study programme that usually lasts for one year. It includes an extended work placement that lasts for at…